BabyFruit Ticker
24 week viability goal: May 1, 2011!
Hoping to make it to at least 34 weeks! July 3, 2011!

Monday, April 18, 2011

still cookin :)

I will have to go back and update this shortly but the most recent information is that I've made it 7 weeks and still cookin!  Baby is doing great, measuring 2 days AHEAD, so no worries on IUGR at this point anyhow. My AFI's have been in the mid 3's and as of last Thursday (4/14/11) the U/S shows the cord being under baby and over my cervix.  We also got a little bit of a "potty shot" not at a perfect angle but from what we saw, there's no boy parts :) at this point healthy, alive is all that matters.  I feel no different these days.  I do feel some "pressure" when I am on my feet too long.  I call it my little "stop" button and go sit/lay down for awhile with my feet up. My cervix is still nice, long and closed.  No signs of labor or infection at all.  I am scheduled to go in to the Woman's hospital in Omaha on May 3.  Finally found a fantastic nanny to be here with the boys which really helped me be able to relax... even though I'm going to miss my family like CRAZY.   Hubby did say they'd come visit me on Mother's Day - I'm already looking forward to that visit!  The boys get out for Spring Break here for a week on Weds.  I'm really looking forward to spending that quality time with them.  My youngest has had 2 soccer games already this season, both were victorious. He was the first to score for the season within minutes of the first game starting and ended up with like 4 goals and then had 5 goals at Sat's game - even though he was sick (we didn't know it until later, not sure he did either.)  He's such a sweetie, always concerned about me/baby. My oldest has been a tremendous help in doing things for me, I don't know what I'd do without them... As of now, I'm packing little bits as I go and buying things online that I feel I might need while in the hospital to help the time pass.  Keep those prayers coming... He is listening, they are working!!!  XXOO